Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

Come and read my blog as Daddy and Mummy update it as regularly as they can

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Celebrate Mummy's Birthday

Mummy's birthday is nearing, and on Sat, we went to celebrate by having buffet at the Grand Park City Hall.  I celebrated my birthday there 2 years back, and the quality of buffet spread was pretty good and value for money.

We reached about 645 pm. There was also a wedding ceremony at the courtyard (outside the cafe), and I was so curious that I kept going to the window and peek at the ceremony.  After eating my main course (staple food), I was ready to do some 'exercise' and start my 'junk' food .... aka dessert and cakes !!!

I was enjoying my dessert, and while I was looking elsewhere, Daddy sabotaged me !!! He put some durian pengkat on my spoon (together with my dessert), and when I ate from the spoon, I thought I tasted something weird (just in case you do not know, I simply hate durians !!! I can just pinch my nose when I go near a durian stall).  Just could not figure out what was wrong.  In fact, I thought I had the same weird taste when I ate my chocolate ice-cream just now (Daddy did the same trick on me), and I told Daddy and Mummy that I did not like vanilla taste.  In fact I told them that the ice-cream scoop was not clean when Mummy used it to get my chocolate ice-cream. Haha.

After a while, I decided not to eat my dessert anymore ... then Daddy revealed his sabotage plan to me ... and I turned to Daddy and gave him the "you have not been a good boy" look ... haha

After all the sweet stuff, you can see how active I became ... sugar rush !!!

Some photos taken during the buffet

We left the buffet place at 845 pm (a good 2 hour of food) !!! This was taken at the hotel lobby !!! See the 3 of us wearing family attire .... the Toy Story in action !!! We bought the attire during my last birthday

Happy Birthday Mummy !!!

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