Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

Come and read my blog as Daddy and Mummy update it as regularly as they can

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

CNY 2012 Preparation

With CNY coming, we decided to go and buy some new decorations to do up the house.  Then Daddy spotted this very little cute red dragon soft toy, and showed that to me.  Of course, who can resist the cute dragon, so Daddy ended up buying 2 dragons - one for me and one for 表妹.  So you can imagine how the dragon had to be assimilated into my family of soft toy friends .... that means, from then on, it was dragon huddling to bed !!!!

We bought these decoration to paste on the wall near the dining area.  Mummy did the pasting, while I looked how she did it.

Then I followed suit.  Took 2 dragon decorations, went to my door and then pasted them side by side, all by myself.  Meaning, putting the scotchtape at the back of the decorations, and making sure they were of the same or similar elevaton. Tada !!! Not exactly of the same elevation, but close enough !!!

So now, we are all ready for the CNY celebration !!!

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