Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

Come and read my blog as Daddy and Mummy update it as regularly as they can

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 22, 2012

CNY Reunion Lunch

 Since 除夕 falls on a Sunday this year, we went to have reunion lunch at 公公 place.  While the adults were busy preparing the lunch, 表妹 and I were engrossed in watching Barney DVD .... I still like watching Barney !!! See, each of us held onto the little dragon soft toy that Daddy bought for us.

And it was time for the annual dish - 鱼生, homemade by Mummy and 舅母.  Main ingredients are red carrot, white carrot, green carrot and cucumber.  Of course we had other dishes to go with the 鱼生.  Some more food in the kitchen, so that we can make space to 捞鱼生

Time to say all the auspicious blessings before we go into action

And then it was time to 捞起.  发啦 !!!!

After lunch, it was somemore play time, before we went home to catch my afternoon nap and prepare for reunion dinner with 爷爷, 奶奶 and family

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