Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

Come and read my blog as Daddy and Mummy update it as regularly as they can

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Did Not Know The Time Mah ....

During my ride home from school, I asked Daddy why he chose me to 'come out' (ie. born) in December instead of January ...

Then Daddy told me instead that I was the one who 'chose' to come out on the last day of Dec, instead of Jan.  I was surprised and said I did not make that choice.  Then Daddy explained that I was happily in Mummy's tummy and that on 31 Dec, I decided that I was tired of being in Mummy's tummy.  So I kicked and knocked on Mummy's tummy, causing her to be in pain.  In the end, Mummy had to see a doctor so as to let me out .... I listened to Daddy's explanation and thought that made sense ... then I blurted out

In Mummy's tummy, I did not know the time mah .... otherwise I would have waited for January, so that I can celebrate my birthday earlier, instead of waiting for end of the year to come !!!

Haha .... blame Mummy for not installing a clock in her tummy !!!

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