Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

Come and read my blog as Daddy and Mummy update it as regularly as they can

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Offsite and BBQ

Daddy went for his company's offsite on Friday, and in the afternoon, they had a teambuilding session, and that was to build a roller coaster using straws and balloon sticks.

And with good teamwork, this was the final product ...

And putting the roller coaster to a real test .... 50% success rate !!! Daddy and his team tested it many times before and the success rate was pretty high

Mummy and I joined Daddy after his offsite for a BBQ dinner along the Rasa Sentosa beach.  This was one of the way for Daddy's company to say thank you to all the families.  Heard the cost per head was $120++, but frankly speaking, if you do not drink liquor, the dinner was not worth that price.  Anyway, it was quite a nice idea to meet up with Daddy's colleagues and their families, and to have dinner with them

And in case you wonder who the little cute boy is .... he is Auntie Cheryl's son !!! Daddy managed to 'kidnap' him from his mummy and take a photo

And the Technical team .... almost everyone

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