Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Chickenpox Progress -2

My spots started to dry up on Day 6, and there was one spot which dropped off early in the morning when I washed up.  I got so scared that I immediately screamed for Mummy for help !!! Haha.  Mummy rushed in the toilet, and thought what happened.  Once she told me that the spots were supposed to drop off slowly, I was more assured ....

Then I blurted out that it was not my fault that I have chickenpox (meaning that if someone spread to me, I have no choice) but if I were to be sick, it would be my fault (meaning that if I keep sucking my thumb and biting my nails, then I deserve it). Mummy heard that and laughed !!!

Anyway, looks like I am slowly recovering and the number of spots on my body is not a lot (the anti-viral medication taken early does help).  So hopefully, by mid next week, the doctor can certify that I am clear of the virus and go back to school.  I really miss school (all the fun activities) and my classmates !!!

A big thank you to 爷爷, 奶奶 and 姑姑 for taking care of me in the last week.

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