Hello everybody, I am little princess Jing Ting ...

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Three Little Pigs

On Friday, my school brought the K2 children to the Three Little Pigs play at the Singapore Repertory Theatre !!! This play is recommended for 3 years old an above, and we learnt about the story of 3 Little Pigs before.

When I reached home, I was happily telling Daddy and Mummy what the play was all about.  And I told them I was a little afraid of the big bad wolf (Daddy and Mummy gave up on me ... haha).  Did not cry but just covered my ears with my hands so that I do not hear the voice of the big bad wolf .... sigh (I was not alone, because Xander did the same thing !!!)

When Mummy asked me how was the play, I managed to describe to her, telling her that the characters put on costumes somewhat like "barney" shows except that their faces were not covered .... could relate some of the script (and lines) that the big bad wolf said (similar to those lines in the storybook).  And also told Daddy and Mummy some of the props used ... although I took a bit of time before Daddy and Mummy could understand what I was talking about. Haha

More interesting excursions to come in K2 ....

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